Monday, September 16, 2013

full. {and tired!} in instagram photos.

good morning, friends.

i overslept this morning. 

that never makes for a good start to my day. 

i normally need 10-30 minutes to myself. in quiet. with my coffee. 

before the demands of the day start. 

actually, 5 minutes would do. in reality, just having the first sip of my coffee in quiet would work. 

but today, not so much. 

i don't know what happened, but it started chaotic, nonetheless.

but now everyone is in their proper places.

b is at school {on time, thanks to my hubby.} 

the hubbs is at work {or stuck in traffic on his way to work. whatevs.}

and i'm at my computer, catching up on emails from the weekend with my cup of coffee {finally} and my littelest at my feet coloring and teaching her baby dolls how to poop in the potty. {"no, no, baby camwyn. poo poo goes in the potty!"}

oh, what i wonder she'll remember of me. she repeats things i don't even know i say. 


i am full. i cannot keep my eyes open and i'm wondering how i will make it through this day without a nap. but i am full.

i will write more about my weekend soon. maybe after i can clear my head through a combination of coffee drinking & sleeping. but let me just tell you how wonderful it is to spend time with people that "get you". 

they think like me. they create. make things. they have businesses. they have kids. they like to be messy. but organized. but balanced. 

they love the Lord.  

we started & ended the weekend with prayer.

and it was lovely to see this woman and this woman in their element. using their gifts to bless us. to minister to women who work hard & need a little break. 

they are a true joy.

i got to me this sweet girl. and this one. and this one AND this one

long distance internet friends becoming friends in real life.

it's surreal. and wonderful & crazy all at the same time. 

and i am SO thankful.


i didn't know how burnt out i was until i got there. and started to feel inspired.

and i thought to myself, "OHHHHHH.... this it's supposed to feel like. i remember now!"

it's funny how the Lord told me to start a business out of something He gave me. a creative spirit. a desire to bless other women. a desire to make & create. 

and i did. and it's been wonderful. 

but thing about creating a business out of something you LOVE.... is that it becomes a job. 

there's no way around it. any one of these women would tell you that.

it doesn't mean you don't love it. or that you don't want to do it anymore. or that it's a chore.

it just means that you have to {actually} get stuff done. you have to mail packages. and send invoices. you have to keep track of receipts and pay taxes {on time} and there are bills and supplies and so on and so on. and there's the whole deadlines thing too. self-imposed or otherwise.

and it becomes easy to forget why you started.

and that's what this weekend did....


it reminded me how MUCH i love doing what i'm doing.

it reminded me that there are women out there just. like. me. creating and making and trying to glorify God & bless their family in the process.

and it's good to have community.

i am SO thankful. overwhelemed with gratitude for this weekend.

and now, y'all.....

i'm ready to work. 

blessings today.


  1. I love that you were refreshed over the weekend!
    That's what Meg and I want for every single person that comes.
    Praise the Lord because he doesn't create us to walk this path alone.
    He gives us friends to spur us on.
    I'm cheering for you.

  2. So jealous! Looks like you had a wonderful time. I feel like I've been on the craft weekend waitng list forever. ;0)

  3. yeeeehaw. it was awesome y'all. you are sweet sweet soul friend. and you have put gladness in my heart.♥

  4. It looked like another wonderful weekend! Good for you!



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