Thursday, January 21, 2016

What's in your {Makeup} Bag?

So you had fair warning. I'm sort of a schizophrenic blogger... I thought it got a little heavy the other day up in here and I wanted to lighten it up a bit.... so here we go!!!

Do you not LOVE those sections in US Weekly that are "What's in your bag?" They feature a celebrity and all of their favorite things that they "carry" with them in their purse. Side note :: I highly doubt that they carry all of that in one bag... but that's besides the point. I'm obsessed with reading this column. I think it's so interesting and, although I hate to admit it, I love finding new products to love!!!

So...... now that I'm up and blogging again,  I thought I would do my own version.

Here's the "What's in Your {Makeup} Bag" post.

First thing's first.

I'm 33 and I have 3 kids. That means I am automatically qualified to be in the I-Need-To-Cover-Everything-Up-To-Look-Decent-But-I-Don't-Have-Time Category. I also am a self-proclaimed` makeup hoarder but I rarely put on "full" makeup. (Think.... more than 5-10ish minutes while a toddler pulls on my leg and a 5 year old wants to put on all of the things).

All that to say - proceed with caution - I am no professional makeup-putter-oner, but I do love these products. LOVE them. Several of them come from recommendations from others, so you know they're tried + tested! I hope you find something you like!

So let's get started.

First.... Operation Cover All The Spots.

I grew up with great skin. That's not me bragging, it's just Truth. Great skin and great hair. The end. There are many things I'm lacking in, but these are not them. However... because I was "cursed" with great skin growing up, I never (read NEVER) took care of it. And now I'm paying the price and have highly uneven skin with tons of sun spots. All that to say that if I don't put anything on my skin in the morning, I literally look like death by the end of the day. So this is my go to combo.

Loreal BB Cream. 

I now use a combo of the light + fair colors since it's winter and I'm ghostly. But most of the time I'm in the light range. I cannot rave about this enough. It's super easy to slap on and it's extremely light coverage, but at the same time it evens out my skin. It's just enough for my day to day stuff.... like dropping the kids off at school.

Erase Paste 

Calling all the new mommies :: The next two products are for you!

Erase Paste is heavy duty concealer, y'all. I think I've had this container since right after I had Landry. I don't wear this every day... but when I do, it brightens everything up and does a good job of concealing the dark circles under my eyes. It's thick, but it works magic every time.

Lemon Aid

A good friend told me about Lemon Aid right after I had Landry and I immediately went to get it. It neutralizes my eyelids and makes me look like I got a full night's sleep!! Fake it, till you make it, baby!

REVLON Matte Balms

Y'all. Revlon makes the best lipstick ever. I'm a lip gloss girl, so it takes a LOT for me to make a statement like that!! My favorite are the matte balms but I also like the balm stains. My favorite color right now is Sultry. (I have like 7!)

Cover Girl Eyebrow Pencil

If I'm headed out the door in a hurry, filling in my eyebrows is one of the things that is a MUST. I may have grown up with great skin but I also grew up with bushy + spotty eyebrows!! Filling them in is a game changer for my day. I mean, who wants to look in the mirror halfway through the day and think "AHHHHH! Who IS that person!?"

Gold Bond Healing Hand Cream

This is the BEST lotion ever. My friend Jaime sent this to me in a happy mail package once and I now feel lost without it. I'm not a super brand-loyal person, but for this thing I am!! I haven't found anything like it. Drop what you're doing and go get it. Now. Your hands will thank me! Promise!

Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo

A momma's best friend!!!! Dry Shampoo! Where was this when I had my first two kids?!?!? I've tried several different ones and this one is my drug store favorite. (My real favortie is from Dry Bar.... but I go through it so quickly that I determined I need a drug store brand....). ***I didn't love dry shampoo until I knew how to put it in my hair! Watch this video for a great tutorial!!***

Alright y'all.... those are my absolute favorites!!! I hope you found something you either already love or that you're wanting to run out and get right now and give it a try! What are your favorites? It actually helps me want to get ready in the morning if I love what I'm getting ready with! Let me know what you've tried and love (or HATE)!!!!! Happy Thursday, y'all! It's almost the weekend!!!

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