Thursday, May 22, 2014

the garden i never dreamed of.

so it's no secret that i suffer with a little bit of barnheart. 

i want to live in the country with loads of land {3 acres, to be precise - so i guess it's not loads}, a goat and 3 chickens. maybe two dogs and an outside cat. i have dreamed of a nice, big, raised garden that is neat and manicured and meticulously taken care of. 

but that's not my life. 

so i don't have a big and fabulous chunk of garden like lesley and ashley {totally still envious, by the way}... so what???  i definitely have a backyard.... and....

i live in my dream house in a dream neighborhood with wonderful friends and families and schools. but there isn't any "land" anywhere near here that i can live out my fantasy on. but my hubby and myself were determined to get our hands dirty in our little makeshift garden this year. 

and can i tell you something??? it's so ME! i was out there yesterday picking and pruning and watering in all the different containers and make shift spots we have in our beds and i thought - this is so my life. we just roll with it and make room for what the Lord gives us. 

and so we garden. 



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