how far along? 21 weeks + 4 days
maternity clothes? yes, please. but maxis and tanks tops and shorts are my go to. i recently bought a pair of black capris maternity leggings and i think i might live in these. they are super comfortable and supportive.
stretch marks? not yet - but my spider veins are coming out in full force already.
sleep? ummm... no naps really anymore, which is nice, but i've been waking up 1-2 times to empty my bladder. no fun. starting to get uncomfortable already at night. i think i might get one of these pillows. i still have at least 18 weeks left and i'd rather be as well rested as possible - especially with two other little ones to take care of in the meantime. i'm trying to decide whether or not to splurge on it. the make shift pillows stuffed underneath my belly + back are not really doing it for me this time.
best moment this week? we had a sonogram last week and everything is looking great! praise the Lord. you never know how much you're praying for a heartbeat until you've NOT seen one. that heartbeat is everything.
movement? i have a little mover on my hands. even in the sonogram you can see him punching me and moving around all over the place! it's my favorite part of pregnancy {and that's saying a lot because i'm not one of those glowing pregnant girlies}.
food cravings? if you follow me on instagram you've seen that there have been a handful of random food cravings, but nothing out of this world - and nothing consistent. as it gets hotter here i just want cold frozen drinks - like a margarita - but i haven't found my poolside drink yet. trying some frozen lemonade today.
gender predictions? it's a BOY!! so excited for all of the blue and gray. you can follow a pinterest board i've started here.
what i miss: being comfortable. having conssistent energy. not having to tee tee all the time.
what i'm looking forward to: SAME AS LAST TIME :: planning the nursery. picking out boy stuff. agreeing on a name {which might prove to be a long process!} and settling in.
how are you feeling? I STILL have this horrible metallic taste in my mouth. i feel like dairy maybe causes it but that's not been full-proof yet. i've tried changing prenatals and i've tried zantac, but neither seem to make a difference in the taste. have y'all had that before?
comparisons to last pregnancy? i'm already uncomfortable - and i feel like it's going to be a long road to the end - but my doc says it's all because i'm short. in her experience, short women have more uncomortable pregnancies because there's nowhere for the baby to go!
milestones? i'm halfway there. woohoo! also - i scheduled my c-section already AND the rest of my appointments. WHAAT? it's getting closer so much faster than i ever anticipated!
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