Wednesday, February 1, 2017


"Vindicate the weak and the fatherless. Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked." Psalm 83:3-4

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last several months, you have noted that the amount of finger pointing from one corner to another has escalated to an all time high. Elected officials, along with appointed ones, are having their character questioned, having to defend their life choices and are being berated for not agreeing with the supposed "majority" of Americans at every turn. 

Forgive me for saying this, but I think most people - even the ones who do not agree with your "side" - are just trying to do the best they can. I know that I am biased, and there are definitely some people who deserve their character to be questioned, believe me, I know that, but it also tears my heart in two when I read hateful words toward men and women who are sacrificing a tremendous amount to serve us and fight on our behalf. 

Besides, I really hate to break it to you, but Government programs, border control, open borders, Medicaid, homeless shelters will never be the solution to the worlds problems. Can they assist? For sure. But they are not, and never will be, the answer. We are. 

God isn't telling the government to rescue the weak and the needy. He is telling us to. 

So, let me ask a hard question of all us. What are we doing ... what are we actually doing ... to rescue the weak and the needy? Call me crazy, but I don't think posting articles and throwing bombs on twitter and Facebook is doing much more than stirring the pot.

Can I challenge us to get a little more uncomfortable than sitting behind a computer lashing out at the world? To be a little more radical in our efforts than just sending a letter to our congressman about the refugee crisis or securing our borders? What can we do to actually create change in this heated political climate?

It might be quite simple. 

Be a good neighbor. No, be a great neighbor.

As Christians, we are certainly called to care for global missions and fight for injustices overseas and even at our borders. But not at the expense of fighting for the people right next door. 

We are willing to fight on behalf of refugees who are living in war torn countries, but are we even halfway interested in fighting for the neighbor down the street going through a terrible divorce and perhaps depression? We are willing to fight for our borders to be open to everyone, but are we willing to open our homes to a Muslim family in our neighborhood for dinner? Are we really just hypocrites who want to appear like we love everyone but really, when it comes down to it, aren't willing to sacrifice any of our own money or time or resources to love the people 100 feet away? 

Who have we become? What have we become?

Whether you are for open or closed borders, whether you fight for life or for choice, whether you live in the inner city or a posh suburban neighborhood, we can all choose to love our neighbors.

What if we, the church, began to build communities of great neighbors? How can all of this hateful mud-slinging NOT be silenced? Just think about it. We can start to see people for who they are, not just what they do or don't stand for. We can begin see past skin color or religious background when we invite them into our homes and we go into theirs. 

And it can all start with the church.

Love is patient when the neighbor doesn't even make eye contact with you. Love is kind when someone has a baby and needs a meal and a hug. Love is not boastful or proud or rude when a family members lays into you about their opposing political viewpoint. Love does not act unbecomingly when a new friend inserts themselves in your business. Love is not provoked with family drama. Love rejoices in the Truth and it never fails. 

Love loves. Love seeks to understand. Love endures. Love bears all things, even the hard ones. 

Love isn't the absence of borders or the presence of them. Love is listening, cherishing and serving. Love is actually seeing someone... no matter what color, what religion, what political party. Love is pushing past all of that, intentionally and deliberately to just be a friend. 

Scripture never tells believers that we will agree on everything. In fact, it is full of conflict resolution, as well as unresolved conflict. It does, however, tell us to love our neighbor as ourself and to stop throwing these dang stones at one another. 

Think about the revolution that could happen if we started today. Think about one person that needs love today and go to them. Don't wait for a refugee to come to your door, it probably won't happen. But that neighbor needs hope today and it can come from you. 

It will be a love revolution. 

Let's start today. 

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